Friday, September 4, 2009

Everybody Wants a Thrill

So the wife was at quilt night and I was left at home flipping through lame summer programming. I wound up on what was apparently the pilot episode of "Glee" on FOX, which made me think, "Hasn't the High School Musical phenomenon died out by now?" Apparently, it hasn't. But I digress.

The episode climaxes with the kids performing an over-the-top version of "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey to an empty auditorium. We discussed this in the morning - what is the deal with that song? Why is it making a huge comeback?

When we were on the Pioneer Trek this summer, the youths would break out in song from time to time on the trail. One of their selections was - you guessed it - "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. My first thought was - I didn't know that our pioneer ancestors were familiar with Steve Perry. But he is just old enough that they very well might have been.

The song came out in 1981 - so it's even slightly before my time. And yet, here were teenagers in 2009 belting out the lyrics like we were on some sort of wilderness American Idol. The equivalent for me, as a teenager, would have been walking around with my friends belting out one of the top hits of 1956, such as "Love Me Tender." Which didn't happen.

Anyways, I happened to spot an entire article on the internet that same day which explored the resurgence of this song. So apparently we haven't been the only ones wondering about this.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I LOVE "Don't Stop Believin'". I don't even know why. There's just something about it. I also love "Glee," but I'm guessing you didn't?