Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Things That Bug Lately

1. That everyone is disappointed about the USA losing to Ghana and thus not making it to the quarterfinals or the semifinals of the World Cup, and that everyone has to now try and figure out why the USA is not the world's best at soccer. Guess what? They did fine. Did you really think they were going to make it all the way to the end? Let the other nations of the world have some fun.

2. That I've heard several journalist types refer to soccer as a "beautiful game." I'm not exactly sure why it bugs me. I guess things about the game could be beautiful, such as "that was a beautiful kick" or "what a beautiful stadium" - but really - is any game beautiful? They can be fun or hard or entertaining or competitive or challenging - but beautiful? I don't know about that.

3. I want to start making a list of words that bug me. Only I can't possibly think of them all right now. One is the word "vet", when it is used in the context of "checking somebody or something out" - for example, Mr. So and So Political Candidate is going through the vetting process. I don't know, vet/vetted/vetting is just like nails on a chalkboard to me. Hate it. The only thing that should be vetted is your sick cat or your lame horse.

4. Some cutesie made up words and phrases also bug me. Being a CPA, I get lots of emails about continuing education opportunities. The word "webinar" - if it can be called a word - makes me want to punch whoever thought of it in the mouth. Also, the phrase "Lunch and Learn." Despise it. Don't you dare suggest that I use my lunch for learning. Because I'm using it to write this post instead.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sonic Happy Hour

I spent all day outside yesterday during our 99 degree scorcher yesterday. That's according to the temp at DIA - however, the van was saying it was as high as 102 on our way home. The solution for my hot day was exactly as it has been on so many other hot days in recent memory - a trip to the local Sonic.

If you didn't already know, every day between 2 and 4 is Happy Hour at Sonic. All drinks and slushes are 1/2 price. So, for instance, if you purchase a Route 44 size Cherry Limeade - which is basically Sonic's Super Size - the regular price is $2.19, but if you show up during happy hour that big boy is yours for just $1.10. And if the 44 ouncer is just too much for you, you can go with a smaller size and your drink will probably be less than a buck.

The limeades are really good - my preference is Cherry, while the wife prefers the Cranberry. Icy, syrupy, delight with a couple of real lime wedges found at the bottom of your foam cup. It pretty much makes a hot sweaty day worth it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Favorite Shows of Yesteryear #1

I've been trying to think of ways to get back into writing here. And this is what I came up with. I'll start with an easy one - ALF. You know, the one about the alien from the planet Melmac who crash-lands into a family's garage, they take him in, and hilarity ensues?

I haven't seen an episode of ALF in a long, long time. I don't really remember that many episodes - which you must be so thankful for. I mainly remember being in sixth grade and getting together with my friend Freddie the day after a new ALF aired to review the most hilarious sequences.

I do still have one episode taped on VHS cassette. Thankfully, it is the quintessential episode of ALF. It's the one where ALF is going to soak in the hot tub, only the Tanners didn't have a hot tub, so he has to rig one up, and gives himself an electro-shock. He was reading a life insurance brochure in the tub, so a delusional ALF thinks he is not an alien, but an insurance salesman - specifically Wayne Schlagel of Michigan Life & Casualty. And the Tanners spend the two-part episode trying to cure ALF of his amnesia, so we are treated to a nice helping of flashbacks from previous episodes - for example, when ALF tried to hypnotize Lucky, the family cat, into believing that he is a bagel. Or when ALF did his best "Tom Cruise in Risky Business" impersonation. And all this is intertwined with ALF believing that he is the victim of a bad sales call and is being held hostage. Is it any wonder this was my favorite show when I was 12?

I was so affected by that episode that I made it my seventh-grade Halloween costume. It's really the only costume concept that I've come up with that I've ever been satisfied with. I wore a blazer and carried around a briefcase and printed up some business cards indicating that I was Wayne Schlagel of Micigan Life & Casualty.

ALF was fairly popular back in the day, but virtually none of the Tanner family - Willie, Kate, Lynne, or Brian, were ever seen on television again. However, ALF is still seen from time to time on commercials and stuff.