Saturday, October 3, 2009

Undefeated NFL Teams

So one of the national sports talk shows did a poll last week, and the question was, "Which is the best undefeated NFL team?"

And your Denver Broncos were not even offered as one of the choices!

There are currently seven undefeated teams in the NFL - six of them have been getting a lot of buzz in the media about how flippin' great they are - the Jets, the Ravens, the Colts, the Giants, the Vikings, and the Saints. And no one really even acknowledges that the Broncos are also undefeated.

I guess that's sort of understandable, what with the Jay Cutler saga. I mean, why didn't we just set Denver afire once he left town?

I think another reason is the perception that the Broncos haven't really played anybody yet. And when two of your wins are against the Raiders and the Browns, that is also understandable.

But check out the records of each undefeated team's opponents in 2009:

Baltimore Ravens 2-7
Indianapolis Colts 2-7
Denver Broncos 3-6
New York Jets 3-6
New York Giants 3-6
Minnesota Vikings 3-6
New Orleans Saints 4-5

So none of these teams have exactly played a rigorous early-season schedule.

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