Saturday, September 27, 2008

Straying From Grisham

Last night we watched The Pelican Brief starring Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts. I'd already seen it several times, but we purchased the DVD at Wal-Mart last Christmas for $3 and had not yet watched "our" copy. It's kind of a bizarre DVD - no menus, no special features. You just put the disc in and it starts playing. And halfway through you have to turn it over to the other side - weird. Anyways, good movie.

I realized that I've fallen behind on John Grisham novels, though. I started reading them in high school and read six of his first seven books. I still haven't read his first book, A Time To Kill (probably because it doesn't start with The), and I haven't read any of his books that have come out in the last 10 years. For someone that is always looking for something to read but never finding it, this is a bit odd. I don't have an explanation. I guess I was looking to branch out or I knew if I started one I'd just read it straight through.

I've heard some critics say he's not a good writer. I don't know. I probably don't read enough to know the difference. He's a fairly easy read - I could never figure out what Tom Clancy was talking about in his books, although Patriot Games was fairly readable. The only Grisham book I didn't like that much was The Chamber.

I've only seen four of the movie adaptations (the word adaptation might be a bit of a stretch, however - he sold the rights to The Pelican Brief before he wrote the book) and both The Client and The Pelican Brief are outstanding. I didn't like The Firm or The Rainmaker that much. But both of those might have been a case of watching the movie too soon after reading the book.

So the next time I'm at the library I guess I'll have to pick one of his titles up.


Juankers said...

Which book was about fighting the tobacco industry and then in the movie they changed it to the firearm industry? I thought that was a good example of Hollywood taking something they didn't think was that bad and changing it to something they found objectionable.

Zethro said...

Runaway Jury. Some day I might watch the movie. . .

Elizabeth said...

It's ok-- I read A Time to Kill, so as a family, we're covered.

I actually expected to feel all indignant reading it, but he didn't really make a very good case for there BEING a Time to kill. So you can read it or not.