Friday, October 29, 2010


There's only one network that always has something on worth watching. And that network is DIY.

About a month ago, it mysteriously appeared on our Dish. Hey! I didn't know we got this! We've been enjoying watching House Crashers, Bath Crashers, I Hate My Kitchen, Rehab Addict, etc. It's kind of annoying sometimes because they make everything seem so easy, and they like to install those sinks that are basically a big bowl sitting on top of the vanity, which I don't really like. But it's great viewing. HGTV just isn't the same.

This week, DIY mysteriously disappeared from our subscription, as mysteriously as it appeared. I'm totally bummed. No more channel to fall back on. I guess they were just giving us a free preview and trying to tempt us to upgrade to a pricier package or something. They do the same thing with the Tennis channel - it's available during majors such as Wimbledon or the US Open, but otherwise not.

The Dish giveth, and the Dish taketh away.

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