Monday, October 25, 2010

I Hate Politicians, or JUST SELECT ONE, DANG IT!!!

So the Denver Post ran this thing in yesterday's paper where they asked the Colorado candidates for governor a list of cutesie questions such as "What was the last book you read?"

Which is just fine and pretty boring until you get down to the bottom where the questions are not open-ended but specified as "Select one."

The first one was (select one) Sandra Bullock or Angelina Jolie?

Dan Maes and Tom Tancredo both said Sandra. But John Hickenlooper took the high road and said Helen Thorpe (his wife).

Another question was (select one) Leno, Letterman, or Oprah?

Maes picked Leno, Hick picked Oprah, and Tancredo said "None of the above." Not that hard Tommy Boy - they're just TV shows.

Then it was (select one) Paris or Vegas?

Maes said Paris. Tancredo, the smart aleck, said "Paris Hotel in Las Vegas", and Hick said Durango. What an idiot.

Finally, it was (select one) American Idol or CSI?

Maes said CSI. Tancredo said "Neither." Apparently he's not much of a TV watcher. Hick said, "Flip a coin. Usually a Rockies game." That answer makes even less sense than "Durango."

Sigh. I was considering a vote for Hick since he's going to win anyways. But not after those stupid answers he rolled out in the paper. I think I'll vote for Maes. At least he answered all the questions. That's what I like in a politican.

Oh, and by the way, they did the same think for the senatorial candidates. To the question American Idol or CSI, Michael Bennet answered, "Entourage." Thanks, doofus. Did you write in answers to multiple choice tests in school?

And Ken Buck and Bennet both dodged the Sandra v. Angelina question. Buck said, my wife Perry Buck. And Bennet said, "My wife Susan wouldn't let me choose." Notice that he didn't dodge it by picking his wife. He just blamed it on her that he wasn't going to answer the question.

I can't stand Michael Bennet, so there's no way I would vote for him, even if Ken Buck answered, "Angelina every day of the week and twice on Sunday."

So how can we count on these guys to face the tough issues like Obamacare and taxes when they can't even answer a simple question about which Hollywood actress they like better? I don't think the Post was asking who you wanted to go to bed with, guys. Take a chill pill.

My answers:

American Idol

And if that prevents me from someday being elected to public office, so be it.

"Mayor, who should start at QB for the Broncos, Orton, Tebow, or Quinn?"
"John Elway."

1 comment:

Juankers said...

I agree with that. I remember a couple of years ago the Post or one of the news channels asked Colorado's congressional delegation what kind of car they drive and half of them wouldn't answer. I guess they have images to maintain as being "green" so saying they drive a Range Rover or something probably wouldn't look good.