Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ranking AGT Semifinal Show #2

12. Gymkana. Thanks for playing.

11. Steven Retchless. You are gross, sir.

10. Fatally Unique. West Springfield Dance Team called and they want their concept back.

9. Sihouettes. I personally didn’t get it.

8. Summerwind Skippers. The mistakes are finally going to cost them.

7. Snap Boogie. He did well, but lacked the wow factor.

6. Landon Swank. I’ll give the magician credit – he did well.

5. The Kinetic King. He’s not a performer in the same way that everyone else is, but he’s still got talent.

4. Professor Splash. The judges wanted to see him do something else, so he did, and they said they liked the other thing better.

3. Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. Is the fact that he’s sort of a one-trick pony going to catch up with him?

2. Smage Bros Riding Shows. Can we get these guys a bigger stage? Professor Splash gets to go outside.

1. Anna Graceman. Having mastered Alicia Keys and Louie Armstrong, she moves on to. . . Motley Crue? The other contestants have to be worried – it’s hard to imagine that she won’t win or at least be there at the very end.

I’m usually pretty good at picking who will go through – I was four for five last week. I predict that these five will advance tonight:

Anna Graceman
Smage Bros Riding Shows
Landau Eugene Murphy Jr.
The Kinetic King
The judges will be left to choose between Professor Splash and Landon Swank, and the magician will edge the diver by a 2-to-1 vote.

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